Whey protein powder Types, Benefits and 9 serious side-effects

Whey protein powder is a kind of gym dietary supplement that is obtained from milk by the cheese-making process. In actually terms Whey is the liquid portion of milk that separates from the curds, and this is very rich in protein. The liquid is then processed to remove fats and carbohydrates, leaving a concentrated form of protein known as whey protein powder.

whey protein powder

Types of Whey Protein Powder

1 Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)

This is the first type of whey protein powder which contains a lower percentage of protein as compared to other one (around 70-80%). The remaining composition consists of fats, carbohydrates, and other beneficial nutrients found in whey protein powder.

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)


1 Nutrition composition

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) contains more of the original nutrients present in whey, including immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, and minerals. This makes it a less processed form of whey protein and more healthy for body.

2 Digestable

Due to the presence of fats and carbohydrates in Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC), it may be slightly less rapidly absorbed than whey protein isolate. but then also, it provides a digestible and efficient source of protein to the body.

3 Less expensive

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is normally less expensive to produce as compared to whey protein isolate, which makes it a cost-effective option for the individuals looking for supplement their protein intake in cheap price.

2 Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is more processed as compared to Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) to remove more fat and lactose which results in a higher protein content (usually 90% or more).
Protein Content WPI gies to additional processing to remove more fats and carbohydrates which results in a higher percentage of protein, typically around 90% or more. This helps to make it a more concentrated protein source than Whey protein Concentrate WPC.

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)


1 Made for Lactose sensitive individuals

For the individuals who have senstivity to lactose intolerant or have sensitivity to lactose because the additional processing significantly reduces the lactose content hence not harful for such individuals.

2 Less Fat and Carbohydrates

Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) is featurised by its low levels of fats and carbohydrates because this can be advantageous for those individuals who are looking to increase protein intake without consuming additional calories from fats and carbs.

3 Rapid Absorption

Due to its higher protein concentration and lower fat and carbohydrate content in Whey Protein Isolate (WPI). It rapidly absorbed by the body. This makes it a popular choice for post-workout supplementation to support muscle protein synthesis for the people or individuals doing gym.

Whey protein powder side effects

1 Bloating and Gas like digestive issues

Some people can experience bloating, gas, or other digestive discomfort, especially if they are lactose intolerant or are sensitive to dairy products as Whey protein powder consists alls these.

2 Bad Stomach

Whey protein powder is basically a dairy product, and individuals with lactose intolerance or sensitivity may experience upset stomach or even diarrhea after the intake of this protein powder.

3 Milk Allergy reactions

Individuals with a milk allergy should avoid whey protein, as it can trigger allergic reactions. The side effects or symptoms may include hives, swelling, difficulty in breathing, or, in severe cases, anaphylaxis can also be there allergic reaction.

4 Pre-existing Kidney issues

Individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions should monitor their protein intake or amount of intake, including protein from supplements because high protein intake can put strain and pressure on the kidneys.

5 Pre-existing Liver issues

Same as Liver issues, Individuals with liver conditions should exercise caution with protein supplements as excessive protein intake can lead to certain liver issues.

6 Hormonal Impact can cause Acne or Skin issues

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most of the individuals do gym at the teen ageand during this period of time they go through various hormonal changes, so individuals may experience acne or skin issues due to the hormonal impact of increased protein intake. This is more likely with high intake of whey protein powder.

7 Calorie Intake can cause Weight gain

While whey protein powder itself is relatively low in calories, consuming it in excess without accounting for overall calorie intake may lead to weight gain as protein also causes weight gain in the body however it mostly helps in muscle gain.

8 Interaction with Medications can cause reactions

Whey protein may mix with medications that someone is taking regularly. Individuals taking medications or with existing health issues should consult with a doctor before using whey protein powder supplements.

9 Imbalance of Nutrients

Not having proper diet and relying heavily on whey protein supplements without considering a balanced diet will for sure lead to nutrient imbalance in the body.

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